The knowledge of symptoms of the infection of the human parasites in the body, allows time to start the treatment until general poisoning and the horrible consequences, such as an irreversible obstruction of the digestive system, the breathing, the blood. Every year, a parasitic infection in the world, not knowing that silence in the statistics killed over 1 ml people. Today, human health, only depends on a personal activity. If there are signs of intoxication of unclear etiology insists that the modern methods of diagnosis of parasites, as well as the immediate treatment.

How to identify the parasites in the human test, if the stool test is considered to study is not compulsory, even before hospital, department of Allergology! Just a typical symptoms suggest that other, is an infection of the body, the investigation and poisoning: sudden vomiting, diarrhea, allergic symptoms, urticaria, rhinitis, and sudden cutting pain in the digestive tract, as well as the head. Effect of the parasites in the body depends on the habitat and much more. Some provoke a dangerous disease that can lead to quick death, others gradually worsen the quality of life, toxicity is a test to strength and health. The doctor immediately, delay in treatment is dangerous, with severe complications: meningitis, sepsis, peritonitis, intestines, nervous system.
What is a parasite?
A parasite is a living organism completely at the expense of another, bigger organization. A scene or antibiotics living human out there, endoparasites infection her from the inside. The species composition of parasites, may be viruses, bacteria, worms, insects and even vertebrates. The parasites considered to be not can be thought of as something unnatural. To the contrary, until the scientists discovered that, how come people are getting infected constantly, it was one of the low reasons life expectancy is 1 to 2 centuries ago. Because many of the parasites are deadly, and in some cases life can only be saved to a qualified medical procedure. In others, the disease in the last decades, as the parasites cleverly disguised as other ailments, which is not possible until you find and destroy them the real reason.
Some parasites can live the human
Far people it's a medicine, I think, is a parasite live in the human test, only different worms. Meanwhile, more than 300 species of parasitic micro -, macro-organisms, the theft, the human cells the nutrients they deplete the integrity of the walls, blood, lymph vessels, and organs, toxic blood. There are several types of a quiet, separate, side by side, if a common habitat. Don't interfere with each other, to devour a flesh-and-blood man, reproduces the painful condition. Therefore, the detection of worms who all should be covered tests for the presence of pathogenic protozoa.
What endogenous "predators" amongst human parasites are the most dangerous:
- Tic tac toe: dizenterina, E., Nigeria, acanthameba.
- Trichomonas: intestinal, vaginal.
- Giardia.
- Trypanosoma: Cruz, Rhodesian, a Gambia.
- Leishmania: donovan to tropic.
- ʙalantidij.
- Toxoplasma.
- Periplasmic.
- Plasmodium malaria.
- Babesia.
- Ichthyophthirius.
- Flukes: liver, lung, Chinese, cat, spear-shaped.
- Fasciolopsis.
- Fluke egipetskaya.
- Metagonimus.
- Shistosoma (blood flukes).
- Lentetsa uncle sanyi.
- Cep to: rat, dog (rare).
- Dwarf, swine, bovine, Asian, book publisher.
- The tapeworm.
- Alveoli.
- Cylindrical worm.
- The pinworms.
- Toxocara (dog).
- Vlasoglavy.
- Ugrits The Same Bowel.
- Hook worm.
- Worms Gabor.
- The Trichinella species.
- Within Walking Distance To Wuchereria.Loa Loa.
- Onchocerca.
- Angiostrongylus.

This is a part of a small list of the parasites that live on the earth, threatening dangerous diseases, the book publisher, digestive system, blood circulation, lesions of the nervous system, hormonal, reproductive, and other organ-specified.
The infection way
Are carriers of many parasites (and intermediate stations) birds, rodents, flies, knotty, and mosquitoes. Animals a domestic, not a wild fish. A main source of the parasitic infection is a sick man, a secretion of parasites, which are scattered in the soil, the water storage, as well as the air space.
How does the transportation:
- Nutritional way (via GIT) you can get parasites in a contaminated water, food, while ignoring the businesses sanitary-and-hygienic rules of a remake. If you don't wash the vegetables in the garden, water from a SIP while in the bath. The question in this half-baked kebab, sushi from freshwater fish (as you enter a test, a many intestinal protozoa and helminthes).
- Household contact can become infected by, if not enough to wash their hands often. Transfer money to, limit, the institutions, the railway transport, games, household items. A handshake Or a kiss with an infected person. After contact with ill animals (as in the introduction of almost all parasites).
- Vector-borne (in the blood), as a pathogen of larvae, and the parasites in a body, after being bitten by a flies, mosquitoes, mites, birds, animals.
- By percutaneous infection occurs when an introduction to a larval parasite, the tissues of the mucous membranes and through the skin (ancistrini, the Renowned).
- Aerogenic infection occurs, inhalation of a egg parasites (e.g., Echinococcus).
- Transplacental way – utero transfer of baby parasites (nematodes, Toxoplasma).
- Transmitted through sexual contact Trypanosoma, Trichomonas.
- Transfusiona transmission procedure in a hospital, a bad assets under management.
Factor in The main to the increased in growth of zarahemla people parasites: insufficient personal hygiene, mass consumption is a bad processed food, water, and later an address to the doctors, lack of high medical examination.
The symptoms of a parasite people
Allocate the general signs of infection, and in particular, the location of a pathogenic micro -, macro-organisms. The parasites:
- The intracellular (harmful cells). For example, Toxoplasma gondii, Leishmania, Plasmodium.
- Abdominal: live in the cavities of the intestines, lungs, urogenital and other organs. Cep to tapeworm, hook worm, the industry, the lantecy, an escape.
- Tissue: living in the lymph, in the blood (a haemosporida, microfil aria, Trypanosoma). The skeletal muscles (trichina, sporidia). The tissues of the publisher (Toxoplasma gondii larvae, worms, tape, Trypanosoma), as well as the nerve of them.
Rather, This classification is arbitrary, since many of the parasites, are constantly on the move, migrating to the various organs and tissues. The symptoms of the infection are:

- diarrheal diseases: diarrhea, vomiting, flatulence, constipation, pain in the digestive tract;
- allergic reactions: rhinitis, skin rash;
- pain in muscles, joints;
- the appearance of papillomas, condyloma, and lipogranulomas, fibrous tumors;
- weight loss, or weight gain;
- nervous system symptoms: agitation (or lethargy), irritability (apathy), insomnia;
- bruxism (during sleep involuntary teeth grinding compressed);
- immunosuppression expressed by increased frequency of common cold.
The parasites of the pathogenic viruses, bacteria, fungi, cause infectious diseases. If you are infected with the observed general symptoms: high fever, sore throat, head, stomach, runny nose, cough, sneezing, and other.
Determine How to the presence of parasites
A defeat of this, or any other body and the tissues dominated by the distinguishing signs.
In the intestine
Most favourable is A place where the life of parasites: the humidity high temperature at a warm, the PH of the medium neutral. The symptoms of a bowel injury:
- constipation;
- diarrhea;
- bloating;
- intestinal obstruction;
- a pain, a wonky type of pain one;
- reduction of body weight;
- vomiting;
- nervousness;
- a lack of (or in growth), the appetite.
The men to beat the impotence, fatigue, refused to move.
The stomach
Parasite infection If the following signs:
- nausea;
- belching;
- salivation;
- a severe, or that the stomach is full;
- diarrhea;
- bleeding from the bowel movement;
- itching the anal region is rectal worms;
- cough due to irritation of neuroreceptors in the stomach.
Bowel price possible sputum, blood fractions.
The liver

- pain in the right hypochondrium;
- belching;
- nausea;
- allergic urticaria;
- yellowish sclera, mucous membranes, the mouth, the skin;
- hair loss hair follicles;
- weakness;
- irritability;
- anemia.
There has been a significant swelling of the legs, is.
Typical symptoms:
- fever;
- seal, zoom, and painful lymph nodes;
- rash on the body;
- dizziness, pain in a head;
- thirst;
- lethargy, drowsiness;
- shortness of breath;
- circulation poor, as expressed numb from the cold extremities.
Necessarily anemia, as parasites destroy the red blood cells.
A defeat, a heart
There's always a show on the lungs and heart failure.
- cough;
- shortness of breath;
- nervousness, fear;
- weakness;
- pain in the chest area;
- arrhythmia, bradycardia;
- temperature, fever alternating with chills;
- changes in the blood pressure;
- sweating;
- paleness of the face, neck;
- anemia.
There are signs of hypoxia: cyanosis of the toes, nasolabial triangle, and the mucous membranes of the mouth.
In the lungs
Symptoms Characterized By:
- shortness of breath;
- shortness of breath;
- attacks had become a nighttime cough;
- asthmatic bronchospasm;
- allergic rhinitis, sneezing;
- chest pain;
- rapid pulse;
- nausea.

It is possible to separate sparse foaming sputum with a blood cells.
Under the skin
External symptoms:
- little itchy, red rash, swelling, large blisters on the skin;
- ulcers, abscesses, warts, eczema;
- fever;
- night sweats;
- movable dense tumor areas under the skin;
- anemia.
Often develop allergic cough, runny nose.
My eyes
Typical symptoms:
- - conjunctivitis accompanied by burning, itching;
- the pain in the eyes of the pain, a view if you move to the side;
- floating, cloudy strings of a eyes;
- the dryness of the eye;
- a blurred vision of objects, split;
- headache, dizziness;
- swelling of the eyelids;
- the shadows under his eyes.
Typical signs of a worm infection
Parasitic infection is considered a group of diseases in which the parasites caused by the different species. Penetrates the body, deliberately or at random, a number of worm destroys the bodies in which they live and migrate. The result is a disease called parasite.
Worms has connections, they suck, to a designated place strengthened. Ezek lead, for wounds, hemorrhages in the mucous membranes. The larvae move by the tissues of a test through organs other, living in a comfortable place. And they can reach any organ and to choose life. There is a word transition, the worms, from the intestines, which initially will receive most of the pathogens via the blood vessels, the liver, the lungs, the book, a heart. Consider what effect the parasites in the body, symptoms which the alien brand presence.
Syndrome, gastro-bélpanaszok them
The worms are the permanent residence test different digestive tract. If you violate the natural features. Between a a dangerous symptoms of worms:
- flatulence, flatulence;
- a constant difficulty, pain in different parts of the gastro-intestinal tract;
- periodic colic;
- oily stains in the stool.
Irritable bowel syndrome – a partner of the frequent presence of worms.

Overlap Is the main bile duct is a parasite inhibits the end result can cause obstructive jaundice. Ezek usually the cases require surgical treatment.
Constipation, diarrhea
Violation or a chair symptom of worm infection. Severe diarrhea alternating with constipation, a sammi to do with the use of food or poor quality diet. When overlapping parts of the bowel accumulate within the parasites, which are mechanical constipation. Reference: the separate individual worms is a violation leads to the metabolism of sodium chloride, which leads to a diarrhea.
Activity A a parasites may cause disruption of the natural intestinal flora. However, often the symptoms of dysbiosis or imaginary, cure the condition by taking a non-traditional probiotics.
Decrease the resistance
Robbing the carrier of the lion's share of the nutrients, the worms disrupt protection, a function of the immune system. Ezek weaken the body, as a result, people easily become a prey to infectious diseases – respiratory, intestinal, weaken musculoskeletal system, reduced functioning of the heart or other organs.
The appearance of the pain, muscles, joints
If you look at the muscle tissue parasites, because the pains, the joints and the surrounding tissues. Often there are swelling and signs of synovial inflammation. In response to the presence of a body of worms is a production of autoimmune antibodies that cause the destruction of healthy tissue.
- Fluctuations in body weight
The presence of parasites can cause weight loss due to the lack of the power of a normal functioning of the body. Often people, increasing body weight, the mint many people feel, constant hunger, and the lost nutrients. Constant weight fluctuations satellite infection.
Due to the presence of helminths anemia – lack of hemoglobin in the blood. Lead It's not just the blood loss, the damage, the mucous membranes of suction cups to the worms, but also to a disturbed synthesis of substances involved in hematopoiesis. Ulcer of the mucous membrane does not allow you to absorb the nutrients, which are necessary to a normal synthesis of red blood cells and blood other items.
Sign of lack of vitamins in the body may develop an infection. The disorder of the digestive tract do not allow to fully absorb, or the most food for the worms.
Sleep disorders, nervousness to derive
Alien presence in the body a violation of the natural processes. The toxins of the poison effect on psycho-emotional state. Because of an intoxication decreased functioning of the nervous system, the book publisher, the a person restless, constantly "nervous", the excitement gives way to apathy.
Chronic fatigue
Constant fatigue syndrome is the result of a rapture. A moderate decrease in efficiency, interest in life, during the day there's still, hard to collect, and then carry out the required work. The cognitive skills belong to especially heavy this is reflected in a growing child's body.
A general weakening of the body, but damage to individual organs, can cause the development of cancer. The loss of immunity, the intoxication, of dangerous substances produced by helminths, the constant stress, the nervous system can cause development of tumors.
Differences in characteristics of children, okay, adults
The main features of the development of worm infection in the body all the same people age. The children have some characteristics, which are determined by the underdevelopment of the immune system that infection is more dangerous than the adults. The children are more often exposed to infection by helminths. Occur It's then a next check due:
- The weakness or the imperfection immune system;
- A lack of developed skills hygiene;
- More frequent or careless contact with animals and the land (especially dangerous game is a sandbox), counterparts.

The children often become infected diagnosed, a Ascaris, Toxocara. The development of helminthiasis can be traced further symptoms, which are absent in adults:
- More severe allergic reactions, and poisoning symptoms. It's time to recognize, parasites, a lot of times you don't succeed. Often develops atopic dermatitis.
- Goiter, which develops very quickly. The first sign of the violation of the microflora of the child, you need to arrange for the presence of parasites.
- A slowdown in growth. A firebrand adult loses weight, the baby is no longer a woman usually.
- Lethargy or increased irritability, frequent whims, and tears.
- Delay psycho-emotional, and cognitive development. The child learns, worse, begin behind their peers not only in growth but also the development. Particularly noticeable Is a young children.
To diagnose and treat any infections in children are required, within the shortest possible time, so that the child is developing normally and not behind their peers.
Allergic reactions
The process of life, helminths secret substances that are toxic to the body, because of the different allergic reactions. Especially a lot of toxins is released from shedding during a parasite. Foreign treatment of the materials immune system as a threat to the organization, and to trigger the production of IgE, which is a sign that the allergy. The different types of injuries, difficult to treat. Get rid of them without devastating worms test a is impossible. It could be an Allergy brought cough, impairment of the respiratory functions.
Skin problems, acne
Depriving your body of the nutrients, the parasites provoke a lack of vitamins, minerals. This lead dermatitis, lack of moisture in the skin. This is a sebaceous glands are disrupted in a body that looks like acne, boils. Often the deterioration of the skin indicates the presence of worms.
Still, it's a blow to people's errors: ezek lead a parasitic lifestyle, living near people, as well as a blood, a feed. Bed bug bites can appear painful, irritation, itching. Parasitosis masked, mint a thousand diseases, so to determine visually, without laboratory tests, it is impossible. The healing process depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis determination of parasites in a very early stage of the infection.
It's impossible that they're taking medications without a medical license. A parasitic drugs to kill protozoa used, and helminths toxic, not just to them but to the human liver.
Treatment of helminths
When selecting the products advantage for the reason that a medication, uncle sanyi spectrum of action. The uncle sanyi-spectrum preparations deprive the worms, the ability, the absorption of nutrients, to destroy the cells. Destroy the industry, the tapeworm, tapeworm larvae, and other parasites. Used in the treatment of teniasis, enterobiasis, hookworm, ascariasis. And trihozefaleza and echinoccosis, to relieve the nematodes, tapeworm, running, industry, Toxoplasma, a necator. The doctors select the drugs according to the two criteria people a safety: medicines, depriving the parasites of the ability of the nutrition, metabolism less harmful to the liver. And drugs, crippling a worm, they are more toxic and / main. Self-medication, drugs, before he fell.
Most popular recipes
Children, women, old, babies, pregnant women, elderly safer elimination of people a lot of parasites, parasite folk remedies:

- Pear juice pulp made of fresh fruit, carrot juice is recommended for the children's treatment. Drink 50 ml on an empty stomach one hour before meals for one week, 10 days.
- Shorty. Chewing a raw you are on an empty stomach, and a thin green skin (contains a high-performance antihelminthic properties). A day 250 to 400 g of the seeds, and after a few hours it is necessary to have a drink laxative tablet. A duration of treatment from 3 to 5 days.
- It's a fresh infusion of grated peel of pomegranate. A lot of the rind of 1 fruit pour boiling water (250 ml), 1,5 thermos insist in a hours. Filter. Dosing on an empty stomach to drink 4 every hour of sleep before, laxative.
- A decoction of bark of the buckthorn. 300 ml water 3 tsp. chopped raw material. Boil at low heat for 15 minutes, insist 2 hours, drain. Normal daily: 30 ml 5 times.
- Infusion of flowers of tansy, and wormwood. 500 ml of water taken 3 tbsp mixture of dried powder of the flowers (or fresh weight). Boil 5 minutes, insist to be good. Filter. Tart No longer mint 50 ml at a time, morning, noon and night on an empty stomach for 5 days.
- Home triad. The collection has been changed to powder in equal parts wormwood, spices, buds cloves, and tansy 1 tsp 4 times on an empty stomach, during the day, be careful, mint ate, drank clean water.
- Garlic. A cleanse body parasites every day in the morning, in the evening on an empty stomach a question, in this without salt, bread 2 to 4 cloves whole week.
- Ancient during miracle-bet allowed: the questions in this one day salty to hear, and a big onion. Nothing More night is a question in this, isn't drinking. The worms will be the evening mass out of the intestine, the stool out.
- Castor oil + brandy. Unique-bets allowed last a Soviet: mix a cocktail ingredient 50:50, sip drinks instead of a dinner. Hours will be 3 nights the worms. If you don't, you can repeat the treatment one or two in the evening.
The parasites can not tolerate, red pepper, sorrel, so you should include in your diet as often as possible. This is a treatment, prevention. In addition, during the treatment, it is necessary that the daily menu was excluded sweet, fatty foods. Butter, local, local, milk, honey products, canned and marinated meat.
Today, almost all the parasites are imported from abroad. When traveling to tropical countries, ask the doctor a selection of antiseptic agents. Prevent the infection To the domestic parasites is necessary to maintain a hygienic rules:
- Wash your hands constantly.
- Rinse the vegetables, the fruit, in boiling water.
- I don't eat raw food: stroganina, fried blood.
- Avoid the purchase of products and ready meals, the stalls, the stalls, the tents.
- Don't fight the unknown lake, lakes, rivers.
- Do not walk barefoot in a contaminated grass, sand.
- Don't drink water, the natural sources of water supply.
- Do not allow children to pet animals, and others come into contact with persons marginal species.
The parasites standing the neighbors, the companions of the words. Often, an prevent infection is not possible. The first sign of the trouble to take a test, you need to have specialist to turn to for help. Early recognition of an infection can help to prevent serious organ. Take care of yourself and a family.