The parasites are protozoa, viruses, fungi, or worms that are a parasite/the man. I have a little "home", "nest", where you can relax, happy lives, unilaterally. They may mint external (lice, leeches, bugs, etc.), called antibiotics; and internal (endoparasites).
The latter type tends to accumulate in the human body, the favorite is selected and hard-to-reach areas of the intestine, internal organs, and mucus, which is rarely a "something", but even with the drugs.
Together with the "comrades" — the toxins, they direct the development of chronic disease, long that can, not to bother, because the process is slow, but once a "shoot" in the form of the unexpected attack, or exacerbation.
Even this small amount of information, it begs the logical question: "How to good-bye to those interes toonami once and for all, so much so that back forgotten.
Action Always there is a resistance, therefore it is recommended that an attention to overview of the best remedies anti-parasite cleansing of the body by 2020.
Let's deal with these "uninvited" guests, a view and a "who – who".
Clean – a guarantee is always
Purity was the key to the will be to fajbiológia.
Imagine If I said that we are "at home", the beautiful exterior, clean inside. But the house that remained for a long time, you don't need to "waste" it. In other words, a slagging a body, promote education, an in growth of the pathogenic micro-organisms.
Normal amount is necessary for a normal functioning. But if the equilibrium is disturbed, it creates a favorable environment for parasites, so you will feel very comfortable.
Unpleasant "gifts"
Depending on the habitat and the type of infection in the body, the parasites begin to:
- the absorption of nutrients;
- the edition a organization, improve your concentration;
- the formation of various tumors;
- the development of gastro-intestinal diseases;
- the formation of a mucus;
- the accumulation of dead cells;
- the conquest of the liver;
- development of dysbiosis; AIDS, cancer;
- diseases of joints, muscle, venous;
- the event, cystitis, pyelonephritis, gazoobrazovania, constipation, diarrhea;
- an in growth of the tumors, the cysts;
- an accompanying bad smell, the mouth, the sweating, have a bowel movement, the relief, the gas;
- the fee for the pimples, rash on the skin;
- low immunity;
- the event is a anemia;
- the development of allergies.

A list with an unpleasant "gifts" is much broader. A list But it's enough to be a direct guide to action.
A victory over the "enemy" one must know the strengths, weaknesses: what do you like (to deny), and what loses power (to enhance the effect).
Strengths and weaknesses of parasites
A positive internal atmosphere, a test, a parasite we feel very good, to develop a negative activities.
Strong capable of reproducing:
- overeating;
- excessive consumption of sweets;
- eating without treatment;
- mixed supply;
- advantage in cakes, pies, rolls, white bread, pasta;
- the love of canned food, sugar, carbonated drinks, etc.
All that is gradually bothering you to the tastes, preferences. This is the main way to the formation of a worm clusters.
The sources of infections can be:
- the presence of non-progestogenic domestic animals;
- the disregard for personal hygiene;
- the bad habits.
All this leads to the spread of acidic environment, a test, a decomposition process and the decomposition of such popular necessary microbiological parasites.
Name A don't know
Endoparasites divided in two large groups:
- protozoa (Giardia, amoeba, Trichomonas, etc.);
- worm (worms, tapeworms).
There's enough different in size, a microscopic to impress, depending on species.
A "team" consists of about 400 species. The most common worms:
- round, small industry, the tapeworm, etc.;
- the belt – bull, pig, dwarf cep to;
- flukes – liver, lungs, blood, bowel.
How to avoid
Because helminthiasisok infection dirty hands, a reminder of washing, especially before eating, constantly heard a senile grandmother, the mother. Or damaged skin, on mucous membranes.
The necessary cleaning or processing:
- hands after using the toilet in the street;
- dishes for the meal;
- a room in which to live;
- before a domestic milk;
- products consumed raw fruits, vegetables, herbs;
- meat, fish, fat, eggs before cooking, or salt;
- after contact with animals (domestic or street), insect bites.

Some exceptions to this apply:
- bathing in the wrong place, ingestion of water;
- walk around the house with street shoes;
- to access it, or cockroaches;
- the faeces is used as fertilizer for garden plots.
An observance of these precautions should get a habit of, will help you avoid "meeting" and "coexistence" endoparasites, or the larvae.
In fact, except for the liver, gastro-intestinal tract, can be made:
- muscles;
- eyes;
- the book publisher;
- the blood;
- joints;
- lungs;
- the heart of the people.
I agree, not very nice neighborhood.
The presence of a pathogenic flora, a test is normal, not a human test exception, not this rule.
The reason for this is that the excitement can only be an onset of balance in the body, as well as the "pull the blanket on themselves" parasites accumulate within.
We offer You a test to a determine signs that tell you that an existing uncertainty comprehensive evaluation of the test condition.
After each question give a score:
"no" — 0;
"sometimes" — 1;
Yes — 2.
- The morning sickness is whether to brush my teeth, the question in this discomfort?
- Prone to the paleness of a skin, lips or the gums?
- There is anemia, as well as to adopt to the medication?
- Inherent If a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen?
- You have digestive problems, belching, indigestion?
- Do you see the contradiction of stool (constipation, diarrhea, change a the expressive, spots)?
- Have you noticed a better weight during the quarter?
- Prone to frequent headaches, migraines?
- Regularly appears, if the cough?
- Pain in the knee, elbow, hips, shoulder joints?
- If there's a drop a sharp view?
- Waking up in the night creaking the teeth?
- Constantly tormented by hunger, all the time you want there?
- I notice skin rash, Allergies, itching of the skin?
- Did you notice that the appearance of edema, a hand or a foot?
- I'm tired of fast physical or any mental work?
- Have been diagnosed with chronic diseases that are poorly treatable?
- I noticed, or to a continuous frequency of pain in the stomach or other organs?
- The blood tests show that these changes in the white blood cells, proteins, eosinophil?
- Regularly to the affected by the itching anus?
- Have you noticed similar patterns with other family members?
Most of the count, how many points you have, the answers you find below.
0 – 6. Rather healthy, though not argued, because a mode phase, the parasites are difficult to identify. Guide to preventive anti-parasite cleansing in the body.
7 – 17. Very likely the presence of parasites in the body. The recommended anti-parasite cleanse.
18 – 24. It seems that there are several types of worms. Necessary anti-parasite purge.
25 — 42. If you don't consider yourself a hypochondriac alarmist, then confirmed the presence of viruses. You it is highly recommended that only the necessary anti-parasitic purposes.
The main thing– not to panic, as well as a specialist.
Common signs, telling that the presence of parasitic diseases (infection), will be:
- hair breakage;
- a fragile nails;
- rashes on the skin;
- cough;
- cracked heels;
- irritability;
- extra / missing mass;
- easy irritability;
- bruxism sleep, etc.
Symptoms of helminthiasis are the following:
- a bad breath;
- the sharp smell of urine;
- a persistent lack of bowel movement;
- loss of appetite;
- the significant weight loss.
The above symptoms are relative, because there may be signs of various diseases.
You will not be able to replace the results of laboratory research or bio-resonance testing, which is based on the treating physician 100% accuracy will be able to make a diagnosis, prescribe a higher drug.
Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning and re
Even then, if you're sure "someone who lives in" this is not a bad way mint looks.
There are effective tools and methods to remove the worms from the body, namely:
- transition to a high-nutrition: cereals, honey (Candida), dairy products, low % fat, fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbs, and representatives of the legume family, etc.;
- use fresh fruit juices, especially beetroot (Trichomonas, herpes, bacterial), carrots, pomegranate;
- the use of spices in cooking that have a uncle sanyi range of anti-parasitic activity;
- the presence of bitterness in the diet;
- tincture of ginseng is Siberian ginseng, and wild rose;
- healthy fasting;
- use of the drug;
- the use of folk medicine.
Ezek a activities designed for a changing acidic environment of the stomach, the "love" is a helminths, an alkaline, is incompatible with the livelihood.
When switching to PP (high nutrition), the organization's first, a "rebel" and demand a potato, a steak night, a little sugar, a biscuit, sweet tea.
Don't forget that this is a whim of the present of toxins, slag formations, parasite savings.
The beginning of a PP, a beginning, a purification.
A clean test, no soil, habitat, and breeding conditions for a comfortable existence.
When switching to PP first, there is a deterioration of health, headaches, the desire, the alcohol, the other the bad habits, greasy, heavy food, exacerbation of chronic diseases.
I know this is a wish of the population are parasites. Ezek a symptoms exist prior to the start of a healing process.
But here the individual approach is important. A pensioner doesn't fit peter's sharp rejection of a usual diet, which is a "culinary adventure" is a firebrand in younger. A temporary worsening of the sores at all back you can keep adult a patient with a desire to change something in your life. When young people feel that this is a temporary test goal to achieve a recovery.
Gradually PP will lead to a transformation of the body:
- changes in the chemical composition of the cells;
- tissue regeneration is damaged due to unhealthy lifestyle, to a new.
- improvement of the intestinal microflora.
The more polluted a test, the more difficult will be the cleaning.

Maybe repeat several times to get the full effect.
PP can heal the body at the cellular level, an organism which increases the exemption from the ability to all heal itself function.
Anti-parasite diet
Since the product is a key factor a topic of cleansing the body in preparation for cleaning it is necessary that the individual in diet products:
- Sweets any sugar: sweet fruits instead of a sour, sour-sweet, dried fruits. In extreme cases, you can afford 1-2 tsp of honey. Adding to a tea of the plant stevia, you can get a drink, 2 in 1: it gives the sweet drink, and then adds anti-parasite effect.
- Dairy products, meat, fish. In exceptional cases, to reduce the fish consumption 2-3 times a week.
- White bread, pasta, sweet cakes, cake, cookies, yeast products. Substitute Good will be a black, yeast-free, grain bread. Change pasta, a kind of sense, flour.
In the remainder, we get:
- Whole grain cereal, 1 time a day, one cooked for food for the acidification.
- Steamed, fried, steamed vegetables;
- Greens, any useful;
- A delicious drink to diversify the diet menu green smoothies.
- The raw vegetables, fruits, fresh fruit juices, it helps in the period, a purge.
- A clean drinking water in sufficient quantities.

Share If ezek is the product of a earlier a menu minimum, the transition is smooth and gradual.
Additional special cleaning products, there is a question raw food diet.
After this a diet, alkalization of a test, which is detrimental to pathogens parasites: a number is only reduced significantly the practice, PP.
The use of a separate food, to promote digestion, with the addition of the active rest, Hiking, swimming pool, sauna, morning contrast shower, — all this contributes to a rapid elimination of all accumulated "stuff" in the body.
Don't forget that a sense of proportion: are you sure that you will be considerate of the feeling reactions that you don't overdo it.
Well if you manage to go to PP, stay on it continuously.
If this is not possible then spend at least 2 week preparatory phase prior to cleaning on the basis of a healthy diet.
If this method is difficult, don't torment yourself, or the "zoo", measures afraid because they don't help, only hurt.
Parasites all can't be a diet remove healthy, although it is a very strong "kick" them.
To accelerate the process, the complex cases, or to enhance the effect, use:
- medications;
- folk recipes use of herbs.
Pharmacy tools
Each dose of anti-parasitic drugs can be divided into 2 groups:
- plant composition — an effect for a lesser organization with minimal side effects (dietary supplement);
- synthetic — aggressive, gives better results, more effective give side effect on the body.
Phase 1 of the advance preparation, a gastrointestinal tract, the biliary system to the powerful effects against parasites, namely:
- elimination bowel constipation;
- a spasm is removed, the result is a destructive activity, the pathogenic micro-organisms.
This is a necessary measure, liberation way of the medicines.
The bowel cleansing and the restoration of biliary helps, phytonutrients, mint:
- Senna;
- tansy;
- abstract: aspen bark and wild garlic.
In this section, we'll find it, but it's devastating effect on parasite organizations.
Operation 2 phase, based on components a strong destructive effect, active effect, which increases preparatory stage is:
- A extract, fennel; essential oil is crippling to an effect of the micro-organisms, additional cleaning, as well as to reduce the pain.
- A centauri, the adverse effects, which is a strong doubled tansy anti-parasite plants. There's a little destruction of worms, paralysis, a great variety.
- A termination of the body, continuous revenue 1 phase.
After cleaning the body needs:
- microflora restoration of the gastrointestinal tract;
- the removal of the toxic effects;
- destruction of the infectious organisms that come available in the hard places.
It's possible:
- ginger;
- bergamot oil;
- clove honey;
- viburnum.
- herbal ingredients;
- security.
- individual intolerance of some components;
- a long course of treatment;
- suitable only for healthy bowels, conclusions. way.
Most often, the parasite is a digested material, which can not be general to distinguish weight. But if you witness the appearance of the whole race, don't worry – this is much better than the calm presence of a pathogenic organism, which is a "bouquet" of a negative impact there's a test inside.
After applying anti-parasite, it is recommended to drink a course of a vitamin healing of the whole organism.
Folk remedies
The fans treatment a folk remedy for many bets allow anti-parasite cleanse which is a herbal ingredients:
- the celandine;
- wormwood;
- a tansy;
- clove;
- the garlic, etc.

The most common, and uncle sanyi, you know, a clean pumpkin seeds, which is suitable for a young patients in mind, in the mind of the adults; the treatment and prevention of helminthiasis.
Pumpkin seeds contain cucurbita, which works to disable a effect on the worms. You lose the ability to make a cling to walls of the internal organs, and then start the safe movement to the exit.
This tool can be applied to them in cases where contraindications to a medication.
- the children;
- pensioners;
- chronic diseases during the acute exacerbation;
- pregnant women, throughout pregnancy;
- breast-feeding women.
Makes this product priceless gift a bought nature to the content of useful substances in the form of:
- zinc;
- iron;
- the manganese;
- copper;
- phosphorus;
- complex of vitamins A, C, E, K;
- more types of amino acids.
Recommended intake per day as prevention:
- children up to 12 years – 0.75 g.;
- from the age of 12 – 150 gr.;
- adults – 200 gr.
Dried or roasted pumpkin seeds taken on an empty stomach, cleanse the skin, be sure to thorough chewing. Grind them of a pumpkin flour.
A swallow was the whole pumpkin therapeutic effects are not experienced.
After a few hours (2-3) need to take a laxative, keep an enema or removal of worms.
Because pumpkin seeds have diuretic, choleretic and laxative effect, they are patients is contraindicated:
- disorders of the stomach or intestines;
- pyelonephritis;
- cystitis;
- donerson;
- renal insufficiency.
- accessibility;
- security;
- no side effects;
- accepted by official medicine;
- suitable for prevention;
- does not cause allergies.
- cleaning the seed will need time, patience, persistence.
Enhance anti-parasitic action, as well as to accelerate the process of cleaning the seeds you can add other products.
- Med.
300 gr. to clean the you add half a Cup of warm water + 30 oz. liquid honey (can be warmed in the water bath). Consistency they should be like thick cream. Received the amount of eating the next hours, in small doses, before breakfast. 3-4 hours is a necessary laxative. It's a bet allow the suitable for children. - The milk.
1 Cup of unpeeled, roasted seed mix 1 a Cup of milk in a blender. Instead of the Breakfast, a mint milkshake. 1 hour after ingestion drink 1 glass of water, even after 1 hour, drink 2 to 3 glass of water.3 hours after a laxative. Adaptable This method is suitable for pregnant. This not only eliminates the worms, but still:- increase in hemoglobin;
- slow decline vision;
- soften a couple of years ago
- reduce the swelling;
- fajbiológia preservation of skin, hair, nails;
- improve sleep fog.
- Garlic.
200 gr. untreated, toasted seeds + 5 — 6 cloves of garlic grind in a blender. Let a passage of 12-15 hours. 30 gr. 3 hours before eating. The course is 4 days. The kids, sweetheart. - Castor oil.
25 untreated seeds Need to be swallowed, chewed carefully before this. After an hour, drink 15 ml. the oil of the castor oil. Repeat the procedure at regular intervals (approximately) 3 more times. During A day for 4 admission. Of course, from 2 to 3 days. - Dill you.
To prepare an infusion of dill seeds, let stand. Add chopped pumpkin seeds to density of liquid sour cream. Take on an empty stomach 40 gr. a product received. - Freshly prepared carrot juice.
1 Cup of juice, add 50 grams. milled seeds. On an empty stomach Reception, 1 hour of a meal breakfast. The course is 25 days. Adults and children 12 years of age, you can add 1 clove garlic. - Pumpkin seed oil.
Displayed at the reception desk, adults. 30 ml/day 20 minutes before a meal, 4 p./day. - Pumpkin milk.
Homemade, suitable for administration to children.

Summary of
In this article we tried to cover an important topic, an internal cleaning, the whole test, but a importance of a clean. Because it affects your health and life expectancy, which is high in anti-parasite cleansing tends to increase from 15 to 25 years.
Sounds tempting, isn't it?